Sunday, May 4, 2008

My Last Post

When first entering this community partnership for the Boys and Girls Club in the Tenderloin I already had an idea of how it was going to be working with them as I had volunteered for them previously at the Ernest Ingold location by Haight Street. Volunteering at this new location with a different, more technological motivation was a different dynamic. Working in the Tenderloin did sadden me a bit, as walking through this underprivileged area it’s distressing to realize that children have to grow up in a neighborhood, where on some streets crack-heads outnumber regular pedestrians and people are doing drugs openly on the street. It was disturbing to see that part of the B&G club (the section where we were volunteering) was located across from a gentleman’s club. After volunteering, I still have the same opinions about myself and my abilities; I enjoy volunteering and working with kids - I am going to continue my volunteering, but I’ll probably return to the Ernest and Ingold location because their schedule is a bit more flexible. I have learned through this experience that you don’t have to be interactive with the kids in order to help them (as we helped predominately by setting up software on the computers), but it is still my favorite part.

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